Alive in Paris
lydia keating lydia keating

Alive in Paris

I have a story about Paris. Well, really, it's a story about love, but isn't that just a story about Paris?

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lydia keating lydia keating


In LA, I was everything but comfortable. My heart was perpetually racing as I weaved through traffic, late for an open mic in Burbank, where I’d perform five minutes of mediocre stand up comedy and bomb.

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Love Letter to the Rom Com
lydia keating lydia keating

Love Letter to the Rom Com

When I was younger, my mom and I would stay inside for an entire Saturday watching rom coms. In the morning, we’d walk to the movie rental store and leave with a paper bag full of laminated DVDs, giddy in anticipation of watching incompatible people find love in low rise jeans.

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lydia keating lydia keating


I just want to talk about bananas for a moment if you’d be so kind to allow me.

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